Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can you save your autocompleted email addresses in Outlook if they are not a contact?

Can you save your autocompleted email addresses in Outlook 2003 if you have not entered the information on a contact card? Is there a way to export your autocompleted saved email addresses to a list? Thanks.

Can you save your autocompleted email addresses in Outlook if they are not a contact?
Yes, once you send an email to an address outlook will remember it. They dont need to be a contact. I am not an IT person but I believe it is saved in a file called an .NK2 which can be ported over from one machine to another (i.e. if you upgrade or change machines). The only reason I know this stuff is that we just went through an Outlook upgrade last month and I did not want to lose all my autocompleted names as they took me years to populate!

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