Saturday, May 22, 2010

How do you email a folder of pictures on a microsoft computer?

i downloaded my pictures from my camara using a memory card and i can't figure out how to take a file from those pictures and email them- please help.

How do you email a folder of pictures on a microsoft computer?
Put all the pictures you want into 1 folder. Then use either winzip or Winrar, compression utilities. To shrink it. Then go to your yahoo mail. and attach the .zip, or .rar file to the email.

Google winzip and winrar to get them. I don't know the exact web addresses unfortunately.

Computer: Mac Mini Intel Core 2 Duo 1.83 Ghz, 2GB RAM, 80GB HD, Combo Drive DVD-ROM/CD-RW, iWork 08', iLife 08', Leopard 10.5.2, Bluetooth EDR 2.0, Airport a/b/g
Reply:download the pics from the card to your computer (my documents/pictures)...right click on the pic you want to send, choose "send to" then "mail recipient" or

open oyur email program, start a new email, choose attach, the comp will prompt you on what to attach, find the pics where ever you downlaoded them to on your computer, when you find them, CTRL+Click on the ones you want, choose ok/attach.... or just google for instrucitons if these don;t make any sense...
Reply:Right button of mouse on the folder, send to zip then attach the zipped folder to your email.
Reply:On Windows XP Pro, you can right click the folder you have the images in, and select Send To %26gt; Compressed (zipped) Folder. Then email that.
Reply:i don't know.
Reply:when your writing your email, go to attatch document. it should be somewere written or as a icon.

then you just find each file, and click brows and then open, and find all the pics that way and attatch them. do about 5 at a time because some have a limmit on the total size you can send.
Reply:zip the pics and send them

use 7zip .. it supports all formats and is free.

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